.tw/.台灣 Domain Name Registration Service



統計至年底,我國頂級國碼網域名稱之註冊總量共計 4,798,932筆,屬性型英文網域名稱共計 362,106 筆;屬性型中文網域名稱共計 176,426筆;泛用型(英/中/日)網域名稱共計4,220,030筆 ;頂級中文網域名稱共計37,564筆;at.tw網域名稱共計2,806筆。

為提供更多元的「.tw」及「. 台灣」域名註冊服務,TWNIC於 89 年開始陸續遴選出受理註冊機構(Registrar),拓展服務管道,截至 107 年底我國頂級國碼直接授權之受理註冊機構包括協志聯合科技股份有限公司、亞太電信股份有限公司、中華電信股份有限公司數據通信分公司、網路中文資訊股份有限公司、網路家庭國際資訊股份有限公司、新世紀資通股份有限公司、台灣固網股份有限公司、Neustar, Inc.、馬來西亞商崴勝網路服務股份有限公司台灣分公司、IP Mirror Pte. Ltd.、中華國際通訊網路股份有限公司、GANDI SAS及捕夢網數位科技股份有限公司等 13 家受理註冊機構。


TWNIC於 90 年制訂「財團法人台灣網路資訊中心網域名稱爭議處理辦法暨實施要點(TWDRP)」,以一套更快速、有效的訴訟外紛爭解決機制。107年度經網域名稱爭議處理機制執行之案件共計10件(12筆網域名稱),分別為7件(8筆網域名稱) 資策會科技法律研究所受理,3件(4筆網域名稱)台北律師公會受理。截至 107 年底,其專家小組決定結果為 8件移轉(10筆網域名稱);1件駁回(1筆網域名稱);1件程序中止(1筆網域名稱)。

The TWNIC is responsible for the management of .tw and .台灣 domain name registrations. To fulfill market demands and in an effort to provide registration service in more languages, the TWNIC introduced the at.tw experimental project and internationalized domain name (IDN) registration service for generic domain names in 2018.

By the end of 2018, the total number of .tw/.台灣 domain names registered was 4,798,932, comprising 362,106 Specific Domain Names in the English Characters, 176,426 Specific Domain Names in the Chinese Characters, 4,220,030 Generic Domain Names, 37,564 ".台灣" and ".台湾" Top-Leveled Domain Names and 2,806 at .tw domain names.

To provide diverse .tw and .台灣 domain name services, TWNIC has been accrediting registrars since 2000, thereby expanding the means and convenience of domain name registration services. By 2016, a total of 13 registrars had been accredited: TISNet Technology Inc., Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd., Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Data Communications Branch, Net-Chinese Co., Ltd., PChome Online Inc., New Century InfoComm Tech Co., Ltd., Taiwan Fixed Network Co., Ltd., Neustar Inc., Qinetics Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Taiwan Branch, IP Mirror Ptd. Ltd., Chunghwa International Communication Network Co., Ltd., GANDI SAS, and Pumo Network Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

To provide a safer and more stable domain name environment for .tw domain users, TWNIC adopted DNSSEC functions for registrars' hosting service. Accordingly, the TWNIC organized relevant educational training sessions for registrars. In terms of online enterprise brand building, the TWNIC had published the promotion video "Our Paths" to highlight the importance of .tw domain names for enterprise brands and operations. To promote and raise awareness about .tw domains and enable everyone to possess an exclusive domain name that can provide personal identification, TWNIC and registrars collaboratively introduced the Coin Program. Registering a generic domain name with the format English.tw or Chinese IDN.tw costs only NT$50 for the 1st year during the promotion period (August 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018). This service was well received by users.

In 2001, the TWNIC formulated the TWNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (TWDRP) for resolving disputes quickly and effectively. In 2018, 10 dispute cases (12 domain names) were processed using this resolution mechanism. 7 of the dispute cases (8 domain names) were appealed by the Science and Technology Law Institute of the Institute of Information Industry, and 3 dispute cases (4 domain names) were initiated by the Taipei Bar Association. In accordance with the decisions made by the panelists, 8 of the dispute cases (10 domain names) were transferred; 1 (1 domain name) was dismissed; 1(1 domain name) was terminated.



