2018 Timeline


日期 事項 Date Event
1月 11日 召開1月份Registrar協調會議 Jan. 11 Held the January Registrar Meeting
15日 中心首頁改版 15 Launched the revamped homepage of the TWNIC website
23日 召開第7屆第3次董事會議 23 Held the 3rd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors
24日 APNIC Focus ISP Group Project 來台訪談台灣ISP 24 The APNIC Focus ISP Group Project visited Taiwan to interview Taiwanese ISPs
30日 發表106年第四季台灣ISP連線頻寬圖 30 Published the fourth quarter report of the annual Taiwan ISP Internet connection bandwidth survey
2月 13日 召開2月份Registrar協調會議 Feb. 13 Held the February Registrar Meeting
22-23日 參加APTLD會議(地點:尼泊爾加德滿都) 22-23 Participated in the APTLD Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal
24-28日 參加APNIC會議(地點:尼泊爾加德滿都) 24-28 Participated in the APNIC Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal
3月 10-16日 參加ICANN會議(地點:波多黎各聖胡安) Mar. 10-16 Participated in the ICANN Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico
21日 召開第7屆第1次監察人會議 21 Held the 1st meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee
22日 召開第7屆第4次董事會議 22 Held the 4th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors
28日 出版2017年報電子版 28 Publish 2017 Annual Report
29日 因應GDPR之WHOIS服務調整公告 29 Issued an announcement regarding the adjustment of WHOIS service in compliance to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPRs)
29-30日 舉辦2018網際網路趨勢研討會 29-30 Organized the Taiwan Internet Trend Seminar 2018
4月 3日 出版2017年台灣ISP年鑑 Apr. 3 Published the 2017 Taiwan ISP Yearbook
3日 召開第83次IP位址及網路協定委員會 3 Held the 83th IP Address and Internet Protocol Committee
19日 召開第106次網域名稱委員會 19 Held the 106th Domain Name Committee
26日 召開4月份Registrar協調會議 26 Held the April Registrar Meeting
5月 4日 通過「ISO 27001 (資訊安全管理系統ISMS)三年重審稽核作業 May 4 Passed the triennial recertification audit for ISO27001 information security management system
17日 通過「ISO 9001:2015  (品質管理系統QMS) 」及「BS 10012:2017 (個人資訊管理系統PIMS)」轉版稽核作業 17 Passed the transfer audits for ISO9001: 2015 quality management system and BS10012: 2017 personal information management system
21日 召開第84次IP位址及網路協定委員會 21 Held the 84th IP Address and Internet Protocol Committee
28日 推出全新服務-at.tw翻轉域名實驗計畫 28 Introduced a new service: the experimental at.tw domain name switching project
28-29日 與APNIC 來訪人員進行RPKI 服務技術交流 28-29 Engaged in RPKI service technical exchanges with visiting experts from the APNIC
29日 召開第1次網際網路交換中心專家小組會議 29 Held the Taiwan Internet Exchange Center's first expert panel meeting
30日-6月1日 舉辦TWNIC-APNIC Joint Training IPv6 Workshop 30-Jun. 1 Organized the TWNIC-APNIC Joint Training IPv6 Workshop
6月 21-22日 辦理第30屆OPM會議暨2018年TWNOG會議 Jun. 21-22 Hosted the 2018 TWNOG/30th TWNIC IP OPM Policy Meeting
25-28日 參加ICANN 會議(地點:巴拿馬) 25-28 Participated in the ICANN Conference in Panama City, Panama
7月 3日 召開7月份Registrar協調會議 Jul. 3 Held the July Registrar Meeting
5日 召開第21次網域名稱爭議處理機制諮詢小組會議 5 Held the 21st Domain Name Dispute Resolution Solution Consultant Team Meeting
9日 召開第7屆第2次監察人會議 9 Held the 2nd meeting of the 7th Supervisory Committee
12日 召開第7屆第5次董事會議 12 Held the 5th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors
27日 舉辦 RPKI 服務說明會議 27 Organized the RPKI service explanatory meeting
8月 1日 推出泛用型網域名稱.tw 銅板價專案 Aug. 1 Introduced the NT$50 .tw generic domain name application project
2日 召開第2次網際網路交換中心專家小組會議 2 Held the Taiwan Internet Exchange Center's second expert panel meeting
13-16日 參加APrIGF會議(地點:萬那杜) 13-16 Participated in the APrIGF Conference in Vanuatu
24日 辦理域名業務交流年中會議 24 Held registry-registrar mid-year exchange meeting
31日 國家通訊傳播委員會辦理實地查核 31 Subjected to an on-site inspection from the National Communications Commission
9月 1日 開放申請自有IP位址服務 Sep. 1 Opened the application for IP application service
6-13日 參加APNIC會議(地點:新喀里多尼亞 努美阿) 6-13 Participated in the APNIC Conference in Nouméa, New Caledonia
14日 辦理2018TWNIC 受理註冊機構 DNSSEC實作教育訓練 14 Organized the 2018 DNSSEC practical educational training for TWNIC registrars
17、19、21日 舉辦北、中、南區IP位址申請服務說明會 17, 19,
and 21
Organized IP address application service explanatory meetings for Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan.
20-21日 參加APTLD會議(地點:塔什干 烏茲別克斯坦) 20-21 Participated in the APTLC Conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
28日 召開第3次網際/網路交換中心專家小組會議 28 Held the Taiwan Internet Exchange Center's third expert panel meeting
10月 5日 召開第53次國際事務委員會 Oct. 5 Held the 53rd of International Affairs Committee
9日 行政院資通安全團隊實地查核 9 Subjected to an on-site inspection from the Executive Yuan's National Information and Security Taskforce
11-13日 參加CDNC會議(地點:中國北京) 11-13 Participated in the CDNC Conference in Beijing, China
20-24日 參加APCERT年會(地點:中國上海) 20-24 Participated in the APCERT Conference in Shanghai, China
20-25日 參加ICANN會議(地點:西班牙巴塞隆納) 20-25 Participated in the ICANN Conference in Spain, Barcelona
24-26日 參加TANET 2018臺灣網際網路研討會 24-26 Participated in the TANET 2018 Taiwan Academic Network Conference
30日 辦理北區第二次IP位址申請服務說明會 30 Organized the second IP address application service explanatory meeting for the Northern Taiwan region
11月 4-6日 參加APIRA會議(地點:澳門) Nov. 4-6 Participated in the APIRA Conference in Macao
4-9日 參加IETF會議(地點:泰國曼谷) 4-9 Participated in the IETF Conference in Bangkok, Thailand
13日 辦理第107次網域名稱委員會 13 Held the 107th Domain Name Committee
16日 台灣網際網路連線頻寬圖改版上線 16 Launched the updated Taiwan Internet Connectivity Bandwidth Graph
20日 辦理日本網際網路協會交流會議 20 Organized an exchange conference with the JAIPA
26日 辦理TWNIC-ICANN Joint Training-DNSSEC Tutorial 26 Hosted TWNIC-ICANN Joint Training-DNSSEC Tutorial
26-27日 參加Myanmar Cyber Security
Awareness Campaign研討會(地點:緬甸)
26-27 Participated in the Cyber Security Awareness Campaign Conference in Myanmar
27-28日 辦理第31屆TWNIC IP政策資源管理會議暨第二屆台灣網路維運論壇 27-28 Hosted the 31st TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting & 2nd TWNOG
28日 辦理第55次網路安全委員會 28 Held the 55th Internet Security Committee
28日-12月3日 協助TWCERT/CC於台北資訊月會場推廣資安事務 28-
Dec. 3
Assisted TWCERT/CC in promoting information security at the IT Month exhibition in Taipei.
30日 辦理第85次IP位址及網路協定委員會 30 Held the 85th IP Address and Internet Protocol Committee
30日 辦理第108次網域名稱委員會 30 Held the 108th Domain Name Committee
12月 5-7日 辦理TWNIC-APNIC Joint Training-Routing Workshop Dec. 5-7 Hosted the TWNIC-APNIC Joint Training-Routing Workshop
12日 召開第4次網際網路交換中心專家小組會議 12 Held the Taiwan Internet Exchange Center's fourth expert panel meeting
19日 辦理2018TWNIC域名業務交流年終會議 19 Held registry-registrar year-end exchange meeting
27日 辦理TWNIC RPKI 教育訓練 27 Held TWNIC RPKI Training

